Living in Cardwell
Ordinance 284
A permit must be obtained in advance for any yard, carport, garage or porch sale. Said permits cost $1.00 per day are available at City Hall.
Ordinance 424
An ordinance providing for the abatement of nuisances caused by debris and weeds. Debris Defined. Any condition on any lot or land that has the presence of debris of any kind is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Debris includes weed cuttings, cut and fallen tress and shrubs, overgrown vegetation and noxious weeds which are twelve (12) inches or more in height, rubbish and trash, lumber not piled or stacked twelve inches off the ground, rocks or bricks, tin, steel, part of derelict cars or trucks, broken furniture, and/or any flammable material.
Ordinance 460-Burning in the City Limits
During the months of October, November and December, yard wastes originating on the premises may be burned outside of a screened, non-combustible receptacle. At all other times, burning of yard wastes originating upon the premises shall be permitted provided that prior to burning any such yard wastes, the person or persons burning shall, in person or by telephone, obtain permission from the Fire Department to conduct such burning. The person or persons responsible for conducting the burning of yard wastes shall provide to the Fire Department their name, address and location of where such burning is to take place and shall be responsible that proper safeguards shall be provided as may be necessary considering the time and weather conditions at the time of the burning. In no event may any burning be conducted upon any paved street, sidewalk or alley within the City of Cardwell. No burning shall be conducted at night or when the wind exceeds seven (7) miles per hour or in extremely dry conditions. No fire related to yard wastes shall be allowed to continue to smolder or burn after sundown and must be completely extinguished.
Ordinance 464-ATV & Golf cart type vehicles
All-Terrain vehicle (ATV): A vehicle that travels on four low pressure tires and has seating for one, two, four or six passengers. (i.e. Mules, Gator, Four-Wheeler etc.).
Golf cart type vehicle: A small four-wheeled vehicle, electric or gas powered, capable of hauling 2 people that is typically used by golfers.
Pursuant to section 300.348, No person shall operate an ATV and/or golf cart type vehicle, as defined in section 300.010, upon the streets and highways of the City of Cardwell, except as follows;
ATV’s and/or golf cart type vehicles owned and operated by a governmental entity for official use;
ATV’s and/or golf cart type vehicles operated for agricultural purposes or industrial on-premises purposes between the official sunrise and sunset on the day of operation;
ATV’s and/or golf cart-type vehicles whose operators carry a special permit issued by the City of Cardwell pursuant to section 304.013, RSMo. A City Sticker will serve as the special permit.
No person shall operate an off-road vehicle, as defined in section 304.001, RSMo. within any stream or river in this city, except that off-road vehicles may be operated within waterways which flow within the boundaries of land which an off-road vehicle operator owns or for agricultural purposes within the boundaries of land which an off-road operator owns or has permission to be upon or for the purpose of fording such stream or river of this state at such road crossings as are customary or part of the highway system. All law enforcement officials or peace officers of this state and its political subdivisions shall enforce the provisions of this subsection within the geographic area of their jurisdiction.
A person operating an ATV/golf cart-type vehicle on a street or highway pursuant to an exception covered in this section shall have a valid license issued by the state of Missouri, authorizing such person to operate a motor vehicle, but shall not be required to have passed an examination for the operation of a motorcycle and the vehicle shall be operated at speeds of less than thirty miles per hour. When operated on a street or highway, an ATV and/or golf cart-type vehicle shall have a bicycle safety flag, which extends not less than seven feet above the ground, attached to the rear of the vehicle. The bicycle safety flag shall be triangular in shape with an area of not less than thirty square inches and shall be day-glow in color. A slow moving vehicle triangle will also need to be displayed. All ATV’s and/or golf cart-type vehicles must be properly registered and insured pursuant to Missouri Law.
No person shall operate an ATV and/or golf cart-type vehicle:
In any careless way so as to endanger the person or property of another;
While under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance; or
Without a securely fastened safety helmet on the head of an individual who operates an ATV, unless the individual is at least eighteen years of age. No helmets are required for golf cart-type vehicles.
No vehicles are to be on the roadways after sunset or before sunrise unless equipped with lights at bumper level and illuminate 250 feet. Light bars may not be used.
Any ATV vehicle equipped with seats shall only carry passengers in unoccupied seats. Only one (1) person per seat. No passengers shall be carried in the cargo box of an ATV vehicle (mules, gators, etc). Golf-carts shall only have one passenger.
All ordinances or parts of ordinance in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed and specifically Ordinance 339 and 420.
A violation of this section shall be a class C misdemeanor.