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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to help with hosting events.

Here are ways you can help:

Door to Door

As a small town, we don't have the man power to always get the word out about upcoming events.  Volunteering your time to distribute flyers door-to-door is a great way to get the community involved.  Please contact City Hall at 573-654-2112 if you would like to volunteer.


Our Board has some great ideas for events planned for the upcoming months.  Volunteers are always needed.  They can range from help cooking, reading to the kids this summer, teaching a craft, serving food, or maybe you have a talent you would like to share.  Please contact City Hall at 573-654-2112 if you would like to help.


If you would like to make a donation for helping restore the Cardwell Depot, please send your Donations to:  City of Cardwell, PO Box 216, Cardwell, MO  63829.  Please note that this is for the Depot restoration project.

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